DOT Therapy

DOT Therapy or smartxide CO2 laser therapy

What is Smartxide DOT CO2 Laser (DOT Therapy)?

DOT Therapy uses hundreds of tiny pillars of laser energy to penetrate the skin on pre-set sections of your skin, meaning you avoid having to remove the entire layer of skin and, as a result, allows the skin a much faster recovery rate than alternative laser resurfacing procedures. The DOT procedure is customised to your skin by your practitioner with laser settings adjusted to tailor treatments and gain the best results for you.

What’s It For?

Restore your skin’s youthful appearance and address skin imperfections. It is used to reverse the appearance of aged or sun-damaged skin, smooth wrinkles and fine lines, and shrinking acne scars.

How Long Does It Take?

Between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of areas being treated.

How Soon Will I See Results?

The area will appear red initially. You can wear make-up 4 days after treatment and you will start to see noticeable improvement in skin texture within 1 week. Collagen stimulation continues from 3-12 months.

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