Treatments for Men

treatments for men

Ambrosia Medical offers a range of treatments tailored specifically to our male clients.

See our full menu of face and skin rejuvenation procedures below.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

What’s it for

Restoring a more youthful complexion by the removal of wrinkles and fine lines. Injections can be used lightly as a preventative against wrinkles or to soften existing ones.

How it works

Anti-wrinkle injections contain a muscle-relaxing agent that, when injected into the treated area, relaxes muscles that have developed lines and wrinkles over time due to repetitive movement (Think of frown lines or crow’s feet).

How long the procedure takes

Around 30 minutes, but it depends on the number of areas being treated.

How soon will I see results

You will start to see results within 2 days, and optimal results will be reached at approximately 7 days. Effects will last 3-4 months.

Key treatment areas


Dermal Filler

What’s it for

Restoring a youthful complexion, and enhancing volume and shape to your face.

How it works

Dermal fillers are tiny injections that reduce the appearance of fine lines, sagging and signs of age by filling in areas under the skin to promote volume, “plumping” and smoothing. The key ingredient is a sugar gel that is completely safe. In fact, it occurs naturally in your body but is processed in smaller increments with age and, along with the natural tug of gravity, leads to facial lines and wrinkles. This gel contained in dermal fillers actually encourages the production of collagen in the skin leading to a more youthful appearance.

How long the procedure takes

Usually from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the number of areas being treated.

How soon will I see results

Results are visible instantly and the effect typically lasts for between 6 and 12 months.

Key treatment areas

dermal filler

Smartxide DOT C02 Laser (DOT Therapy)

What’s it for

Restore your skin’s youthful appearance and address skin imperfections. It is used to reverse the appearance of aged or sun-damaged skin, smooth wrinkles and fine lines, and shrinking acne scars.

How it works

DOT Therapy uses hundreds of tiny pillars of laser energy to penetrate the skin on pre-set sections of your skin, meaning you avoid having to remove the entire layer of skin and, as a result, allows the skin a much faster recovery rate than alternative laser resurfacing procedures. The DOT procedure is customised to your skin by your practitioner with laser settings adjusted to tailor treatments and gain the best results for you.

How long the procedure takes

Between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of areas being treated.

How soon will I see results

The area will appear red initially. You can wear make-up 4 days after treatment and you will start to see noticeable improvement in skin texture within 1 week. Collagen stimulation continues from 3-12 months.

Key treatment areas


Clear + Brilliant

What’s it for

Anti-ageing skin treatment that evens skin tone, reduces pore size and enhances elasticity in the screen skin for a younger, fresher, more radiant appearance.

How it works

Clear + Brilliant is a safe, non-surgical and non-invasive laser treatment.It’s a simple procedure in which the Clear + Brilliant handpiece is gently guided over the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose, creating microscopic treatment zones in the upper layers of the skin, triggering the replacement of damaged skin with healthy, younger skin.

How long the procedure takes

Numbing cream applied 1 hour prior, treatment takes 15 mins

How soon will I see results

You’ll see noticeable differences in the appearance of your skin after 4-5 days.

Key treatment areas

clear and brilliant

Double Chin Reduction

What’s it for

This is a non-surgical treatment to address fat underneath the chin. Fullness’ under the chin or a ‘Double chin is a common problem in men and women. This can naturally develop as we age, simply part of your genetic makeup- and remains no matter how much you diet and exercise – or can be a result of weight gain. This can, in turn, make you look older and heavier than you actually are.

This treatment

  • Causes permanent destruction of fats cells in the area
  • Thickening and tightening of the skin
  • produces a more contoured neck and jawline

How it works

Deoxycholic Acid occurs naturally in the body, where it helps to break down dietary fat. This injectable treatment is a synthetic copy of bile acid – derived from soy beans. It works to breaks down fats- causing an irreversible destruction of the fat cells in the treated areas.

How long the procedure takes

Treatment time is approximately 15-20 minutes. Ice packs can be applied post treatment for comfort.

How soon will I see results

Initial results after 4-6 weeks. Most patients experience a visual improvement after 2-4 treatments.

All treatments are customised for the individual’s anatomy and desired treatment outcomes.

Key treatment areas

Double chin reduction and treatment by removal of ecess fat under the skin using deoxycholic acid