PRP Injections

PRP Injections or platelet rich plasma

What are PRP injections for?

Improving elasticity, tone, thickness as well as colour of the skin.

It’s used to treat tired and dry skin, uneven pigmentation, lack of skin tension and the signs of skin ageing.

How it works

PRP stimulates the growth of both collagen and elastin (the protein that helps your skin bounce back and retain its firmness after it stretches). The injected serum contains a small amount of blood taken from the patient to simulate their cells and kickstart regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin. Your body’s own PRP contains growth properties which, when injected, release platelets to accelerate the tissue regeneration and repair.

How long does the procedure take?

Approximately 45 minutes.

How soon will I see results?

Immediate swelling and wound healing are obvious at first sight. However, collagen rejuvenation can take from 6 weeks depending on the condition of your skin and lifestyle. Results are visible at 3 weeks and improve gradually over ensuing months with improvement in texture and toneMore than one treatment will be necessary if the skin is mature. Best combined with laser.